Afeworki Woldemichael signing the release form with Berhane Debesai Abraha, May 17, 2015
Afeworki Woldemichael signing the release form with Berhane Debesai Abraha, May 17, 2015

Cache Valley Refugee Oral History Project

Cache Valley, Utah is the home of Burmese Muslim, Karen, and Eritrean refugees. Documenting and preserving their stories is an important goal of Utah State University?s Fife Folklore Archives (FFA). In May 2015, USU?s FFA and Folklore Program, with help from the Karen community, hosted a Library of Congress Field School for Cultural Documentation: ?Voices: Refugees in Cache Valley.? Field school students worked to document Cache Valley?s recent refugee communities. This collection, Folk Coll 58: Cache Valley Refugee Oral History Project, houses the physical recordings and associated materials of the interviews which took place during this field school.
