Fife Folklore Archives Oral Histories: Community-Driven Collections
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Fife Folklore Archives Oral Histories: Community-Driven Collections include community-driven oral histories and oral history projects that are donated to the Fife Folklore Archives by community scholars and USU students. Collection products include oral history audio and/or transcripts, which may have release forms; some collections also have associated correspondence and theses or project papers. At present, the majority of the collection is not digitized; it is found at Utah State University’s Special Collections & Archives FOLK COLL 37. The born-digital items in this collection include:
USU Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Oral History Effort (Collector: Aaron Smith, 2014)
Vern Budge
John C. Ellsworth
Craig Johnson
Gerald L. Smith
Michael Timmons
Richard E. Toth
Self-Reliance, Social Welfare, and Sacred Landscapes: Mormon Agricultural Spaces and Their Paradoxical Sense of Place (Collector: Anthony Ross Garner, 2018)
Blue Creek Welfare Farm
Greg Grant
Craig Hawkes
Cary Sanders
Clair Zollinger
Garner Family Gardens
Christy Garner
David Garner
Richard Garner
Makenna S. Garner James
Topics: Folklore