
Need funding to digitize another collection?

Cultural heritage organizations in Utah may want to consider applying for a digitization grant from the Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board (USHRAB). The next deadline is December 18. Contact Janell Tuttle, jtuttle@utah.gov, (801) 531-3845, for more information or check out http://archives.utah.gov/USHRAB/grants.html....

New self-guided curriculum for digitization

As part of the Public Library Partnerships Project over the last year and a half, Mountain West Digital Library staff and partners helped design, prepare, and present training modules about digital skills training. MWDL was one of four Service Hubs in the Digital Public Library of America to participate...

Recent new collections added to MWDL

First of all, let's welcome Stacks from the Idaho Commission for Libraries to the MWDL! We are still working on some additional technical troubleshooting that needs to be completed before we harvest the entire repository, but right now we have over 18,000 of the 27,000...

National Doughnut Day!

It is National Doughnut Day today, and MWDL is bring you plenty of doughnut-related materials!Did you know that MWDL has photos of the process involved in making handmade doughnuts from start to finish, thanks to the Utah State University Grouse Creek Cultural Survey: Mormon Buckaroo...

So many new collections!

We've been adding a ton of new collections in the past several weeks, thanks to the grant programs (Digital Services Mini-Contracts and Public Library Partnerships Program) that provided additional support for new digitization programs from the Digital Public Library of America, the Bill and Melinda...

New Collections from the Salt Lake City Library and the Lifestory Library Foundation

Today we have two more new collections to highlight. Both of these collections were supported by expanded funding offered to MWDL partners through DPLA, with one being a Public Library Partnerships Collection and the other from our recent round of Digital Services Mini Contracts. Both...

Recently Added Public Library Partnerships Project collections from Montana Memory Project

Working with Digital Public Library of America and Mountain West Digital Library service hubs to develop a curriculum and support for new collections from public libraries was a large focus of MWDL work for the past several months. It is great to celebrate the work...

Recently added collections from Utah Valley University and Arizona Memory Project

We've been adding a bunch of new collections and partners to MWDL recently! Here are some new collections for you to explore.From Utah Valley University Library:Utah Valley University Course Catalogs - Explore some institutional history with these course catalogs. Just how many names has Utah...

Two New Collections from Utah Valley Univesity – Visit Historic American Fork and Fillmore

The folks at Utah Valley University have been hard at work digitizing new collections!The American Fork City Public Library created a great collection for the Public Library Partnerships Project, the American Fork City Royalty Collection. Now you can learn more about the history of American...

New Collections from the University of Idaho

We recently added three new collections from the University of Idaho!The Idaho Forester - This publication from the University of Idaho's Forestry Department contains research articles, forest industry information, and much more.The Idaho Forester, 1923Kyle Laughlin Photographs - This collection features photos of the Laughlin...