Every Indigenous community has cultural and biological knowledge within educational systems, archives, libraries, and museums that they do not own, do not control, and cannot govern circulation over. Local Contexts is a global nonprofit organization that was founded to address the needs of Indigenous communities and local organizations who wanted a practical method to deal with the range of intellectual property issues that arise in relation to managing cultural heritage materials. The Local Contexts Traditional Knowledge and Biocultural Labels and Notices are tools for Indigenous communities and collections- and research-based institutions to support Indigenous cultural authority and data sovereignty. In this webinar, which is being hosted by the DPLA Rights Statements Working Group, the Local Contexts team will introduce the Labels and Notices and how they can be used to support Indigenous rights and interests in collections and data.
- Dr. Stephany RunningHawk Johnson is a Citizen of the Oglala Lakota Nation and the Local Contexts Founding Executive Director. Stephany was previously an Assistant Professor in Cultural Studies and Social Thought in Education at Washington State University. Her scholarship examines the limitations and possibilities of decolonizing approaches to science education in schools, and explores how changes in educational policy and practice that center Indigenous knowledges and ways of knowing have a positive impact.
- Corrie Roe is the Local Contexts Director of Outreach and Strategy. In her role, Corrie supports Indigenous communities, institutions, and researchers to learn about and adopt the Local Contexts system. Corrie is a settler living on Paugussett and Wappinger Homelands with a background in anthropology and museum studies.
- Emily Santhanam is a citizen of the Chickasaw Nation and the Local Contexts Outreach Coordinator (Americas). Within this role, Emily supports multifaceted outreach efforts by cultivating and sustaining Local Contexts’ network of Indigenous communities, institutions, and researchers. Prior to her involvement with Local Contexts, Emily worked in multiple curatorial and research capacities for cultural organizations and museums across the country.
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