May News Round-up

How is it already almost June? Rolling stones gather no moss, and MWDL is rolling right along! Here are a few noteworthy items.

Save the Date: MWDL Annual Meeting

The MWDL Annual Hubs and Member meeting will be taking place at J. Willard Marriott Library (University of Utah) Tuesday July 10 and Wednesday July 11. Mark your calendars and we hope to see you in Salt Lake City! July 10 will be the All Hubs Meeting and July 11 will be the Digitization Committee Meeting.  

We are also opening up July 11th for other members in the community that are interested in learning about digitization best practices, future directions, and local and regional digital repositories, with formal registration (coming soon).

University of Utah reharvest

We’re pleased to announce that all collections hosted by University of Utah J. Willard Marriott Library have been reharvested by MWDL from their Solphal digital asset management system. This is the first reharvest since Solphal went live in 2017, totaling 504, 296 items as of May 31. Congratulations! 

New collections

We’ve welcomed many new collections from a variety of members in late spring 2018, including:

Boise State University
Buffalo Bill Center of the West
Oregon Digital
Orem (UT) Public Library
Utah State Archives
Utah State University

DPLA Harvest

DPLA harvests from MWDL on a quarterly basis (February/May/August/November), and we are nearly done with May’s harvest. I’ll send an update when the most recent harvest is complete. 

Where in the world is MWDL?

Our intrepid Metadata Assistant, Keegan Dohm, is studying abroad this summer in Kyrgyzstan! Keegan was awarded a three-month scholarship to live in the country in support of his Russian language minor. Congrats Keegan, and we’ll see you back at the ranch in August!

That’s all for now, and we look forward to seeing many of you in July for the annual meeting! Happy almost-summer!

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