KVNU Audio Recordings
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KVNU began in 1938 as Cache Valley’s first radio station, branding itself as “The Voice of Northern Utah.” Herschel Bullen and his son, Reed Bullen, purchased KVNU before it first aired, and Reed Bullen became the station’s first general manager. At first, KVNU was limited in what it could broadcast. The station could not afford to subscribe to a network and could not simply broadcast phonograph records because the Federal Communications Commission prohibited the broadcasting of phonographic records. Instead, KVNU filled its program schedule with local talent. Many local musicians and singers volunteered to produce music for the station, several of whom were involved with Utah State Agricultural College. While content evolved and changed over subsequent decades, local productions and advertisements remained an important part of KVNU’s programming. As of 2020, KVNU remains in operation as a news talk radio station, still hosting local programming such as For the People, Trading Post, Garden Guide, and Senior Moments.
This digital collection contains around 100 sound recordings from KVNU dating from 1943 to 1959, most of which are local business commercials. Some of the sound recordings are portions of local radio shows, local sports events, and political campaign advertisements. In addition to this digital collection, you can explore the inventory of the physical collection.
Funding for the digitization of these materials was provided by a grant from the Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board (USHRAB).