Marcus Bach Outreach
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Dr. Marcus Bach (1901-1995), noted philosopher, teacher, ordained minister, author and lecturer, devoted a lifetime to increasing understanding and appreciation of diverse philosophical and religious perspectives until his death at age 93 on March 26, 1995. He was familiar with the strength and challenges facing all religions and cultures.
Dr. Bach and Lorena Otto Ernest were married during the early years of their careers on August 19, 1932. Mrs. Bach was born in South Bend, Texas on October 31, 1907 and was raised in Wisconsin. She was devoted to Dr. Bach and her photography throughout their careers until her death at age 94 on September 29, 2002.
Wishing to expand spiritual understanding to all cultures throughout the world and to pursue his lecturing and writing and Mrs. Bach her photography, they moved to Palos Verdes Estates, California in 1964 and founded the Fellowship for Spiritual Understanding (FSU).
From 1967 to 1994 they published approximately 270 issues of the newsletter, “Outreach”. During this period Dr. Bach wrote articles for Science of Mind and Unity Magazines, and was frequently a guest speaker at Unity and Religious Science churches where, like Religious Science founded Ernest Holmes, he emphasized the universal and practical nature of Truth teaching. Dr. Bach through his writing and lectures and Mrs. Bach through her photography, provided direction and leadership in the FSU and other audiences around the world, working with the young and the old in the development of meaningful perspectives in spiritual understanding.