Black and white photograph of Acel Thompson during World War 2 wearing a helmet.
Cpl. Acel Thompson during World War II

Prisoner of War Diaries of Corporal Acel E. Thompson

Corporal Acel E. Thompson, along with his three brothers, went to WWII in Europe in November, 1942. He was an amphibian tank crewman with the 33rd Infantry in the European African Middle East Theater. He was captured by the Germans in June, 1944, held in several POW camps: Stalag VII A, near Moosburg; then Stalag II B, near Hammerstein (now Czarne, Poland); then marched 600 miles, and finally liberated by American troops near Hanover, Germany in April, 1945. These are wartime logs given to prisoners of war by the Y.M.C.A. Part I had belonged to at least one American prisoner of war, Milton Bateff, before Cpl. Thompson found it and began writing in it. Both logs also include drawings done by either Cpl. Thompson or in some cases, other prisoners of war.

Both wartime logs belong to Justen Mellor, a grandson of Acel Thompson, who loaned them to the George Sutherland Archives for temporary display purposes.
