October news

Happy Autumn! We have a few updates to share with you today.
DPLA’s next Open Board + Community meeting will be held Monday, October 16. Anyone is welcome to attend and you can register here.
DPLA announced recently that ShaneĆ© Willis will be leaving the organization as of Friday, October 6. Many of you know ShaneĆ© from her work as DPLA’s Director of Community Engagement. Dominic Byrd-McDevitt will serve as interim director as DPLA works to complete its strategic planning initiative. The initial phase of this initiative focuses on reviewing DPLA’s aggregation work and is anticipated to be completed by January 2024.
The Metadata Working Group recently completed a major survey of DPLA network metadata application profiles & guidelines and released a Metadata Best Practices report. The group seeks feedback through October 18 to aid in setting working group priorities. They will also host a Coffee Chat on November 16 at 11 AM Mountain/10AM Pacific to discuss the report and you can register to attend here.
Our next semi-annual Governing Body meeting will be held Friday, November 3. The current membership roster can be viewed here. Following the adoption of our 2023 Guidelines, we will be working to reconfigure the Body ahead of the next service year (July 2024-June 2025).
We want to offer our congratulations to MWDL alumna Anna Neatrour on her appointment as Marriott Library’s Head, Digital Library Services, effective September 1, 2023. Anna has served as interim in this role since Fall 2020.
Our next DPLA update will be in November and we welcome any new collections you’d like to submit!
As always, please check MWDL’s Events for upcoming webinars, coffee chats, CFPs and more.
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