“Soft-launch” of MWDL Primo
We have opened up public access to the beta site for the Primo search portal, linked from the Mountain West Digital Library home page. After two weeks of beta testing by the UALC Digitization Committee, there are only a few issues that remain to be resolved by the Primo team. The database available through PKP Open Archives Harvester for MWDL is seriously outdated — the last harvest was in June 2010 — and so it seemed like time to share the wealth of new resources and new functionality available through the beta Primo site. It will be interesting to see what comments we get about the new features and the enhanced quality of the metadata. (UALC Digitization Committee members, please complete the beta testers survey in SurveyMonkey if you haven’t already. The address is in the UALC-DIGIT listserve reminder message sent out today.)
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