Back-to-school News Roundup!

Arash Tadjiki — Our new Web Developer.

Arash, thinking about web development.

We’re excited to welcome Arash to the Mountain West team and back to the Marriott library. Arash worked at the Marriott Library in one of the computer support groups during his undergrad in CS. He recently returned to the University of Utah to start a Masters Degree in Entertainment Arts and Engineering (aka Video Game Design), and will work with us as a web software developer while he completes his program.

Article in Code4Lib Journal

Our very own Teresa Hebron, has published an article in Code4Lib about the MWDL metadata audit tool! In the article, Teresa discusses problems encountered during the successful project to adapt the Metadata Audit tools to work with the configuration of the OAI-PMH provision from Oregon Digital’s Samvera repository. You can read it here!

MAP Revision Taskforce

Following the MWDL Summer Conference in July and building on the excellent MWDL Application Profile review done by the Bulk Digitization Task Force, the MWDL Metadata Application Profile (MAP) Revision Taskforce formed and began meeting in early August.

The MWDL MAP was last revised in 2011, so the taskforce has undertaken a comparison of MAPs from other digital libraries as well as DPLA and will be issuing a survey in the coming weeks to assess member needs. Be on the look out! Thanks to all the members of the taskforce:


Emily Boss (University of Nevada, Reno)
Lisa Chaufty (University of Utah, McKay Music Library)
Marina Georgieva (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
Teresa Hebron (Mountain West Digital Library)
Becky McKown (Brigham Young University)
Darnelle Melvin (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
Anna L Neatrour (University of Utah, Marriott Library)
Char Newbold (Utah State Library)
Cory Nimer (Brigham Young University)
Andrea Payant (Utah State University)
Gina Strack (Utah State Archives)
Rachel Jane Wittmann (University of Utah, Marriott Library)

Liz Woolcott (Utah State University)


(From Left) Kinza Masood [MWDL Director], Teresa Hebron [MWDL Metadata Librarian], Arash Tadjiki [MWDL Web Developer], Keegan Dohm [MWDL Metadata Assistant]

MWDL staff talked to over 100 participants at Marriott Library’s annual fall welcome event. The whole MWDL team attended to represent Mountain West to the University of Utah student body. With candy, a clown game, and the combined charisma of a top-notch team we spoke with more than one hundred participants and saw MWDL alum Rebekah Cummings showcase some outstanding balloon sculpture skills.

Utah History Conference

Call for papers and award nominations for Utah’s Annual State History Conference on Sept 27-28, 2018.

MWDL will be on site Sept 28 for the 66th Annual Utah History Conference in West Valley City, UT. We will have a table from 8am-4:30pm. During this year’s conference, speakers will explore the ways that transportation and movement of ideas, people and goods has influenced the social and physical landscapes of the state over time. Check it out here.


We have completed our August harvest with a total of over 975K records! Congrats all for hard work. Keep an eye out for the big 1000K announcement when we hit a million records. Can digital libraries go platinum? If so, we’ll be there soon!


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