January 2024 – News and upcoming events

Happy new year and welcome back! January has nearly flown by already, but some exciting opportunities are coming right up.
MWDL Outreach Working Group
We just opened a call for participation in MWDL’s newly-formed Outreach Working Group! The call will remain open through Friday, February 2 and may be extended based on interest levels. Please let Teresa Hebron (MWDL Program Director) or Emily Boss (MWDL Governing Body Chair) know if you’re interested in serving. (Full charge here.)
DPLA has two upcoming free webinars that may be of interest.
The first, “Collaborating for Access: Libraries and Independent Authors,” will be held on Thursday, February 1 at 1 PM Mountain/noon Pacific and will look at ways libraries can drive discovery of and benefit from the inclusion of self-published titles in their collections.
The DPLA Metadata and Outreach & Assessment Working Groups are hosting a joint webinar on Wednesday, February 7 at 11AM Mountain/10AM Pacific to hear Helen Baer (Digital Projects Librarian, Colorado State University) give us an “Introduction to OpenRefine”. This session will discuss the free tool, how it’s helpful, and some basic metadata prep workflows. No need to pre-install the software or have any prior experience with Open Refine — just come and learn!
You can find more information and registration for both DPLA sessions here.
It’s not too late to register for Digital Humanities Utah – 8th annual symposium! This two-day event will be hosted at University of Utah, J. Willard Marriott Library in Salt Lake City on February 23-24, 2024.
National Council on Public History/Utah Historical Society Joint Conference
Salt Lake City will host this year’s joint meeting of the National Council on Public History & Utah Historical Society from April 10-13. Early bird registration rates continue through February 28 and the preliminary program has been published! MWDL will be tabling at this conference and we look forward to seeing many of you there! Details and more.
We hope to see you here, there, and everywhere in 2024!
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