Interested in OpenRefine? Join Marriott Library’s own Research Data Librarians, Kaylee Alexander and Madison Golden, on October 24 for this FREE 2-hour workshop on this powerful data cleaning tool! This workshop is a part of a fall learning series by DELPHI, the University of Utah...

Typed newsletters from the League of Women Voters of Utah covering political issues of interest, the organization’s budget, financial reporting details, reports from the national conventions, leadership, project reports, meeting minutes, member directories, committee members, results of votes, educational events, resolutions, parties, and more. Dates...

The U.S. Presidential Election Reflections collection launched on 20 January 2017, just in time for the United States presidential inauguration. This social media collecting project boasts 233 reflections about the 2016 presidential election results. The collection project began the day after the election and ran...

This collection contains over 171,000 images mainly from the 1930s to the 1960s. The collection is unique in origin as it includes images taken by dozens of different photographers sent out by the Salt Lake Tribune newspaper to get the perfect shot, something newsworthy. This...

Happy National Library Week! If you haven’t already, take a look at American Library Association’s post about it. In the theme of Libraries Lead, take a look at several of our public library partners’ collections! Many of these collections are the results of library-led community...