Top Ten MWDL Mustaches

  1. Photograph of Howard Hughes with a drawn-in mustache, October 11, 1956. – I’m not sure why someone would want to draw extra mustaches on Howard Hughes, but here is evidence of someone doing just that. Perhaps they wanted to make this photo more consistent with the photos where he has an actual mustache? This is from UNLV’s excellent Welcome Home Howard collection.
  2. Walt McDonald and Man with Mustache – In this photo from BYU’s World War II Photographs by J. Malan Heslop collection, Walt McDonald is touching an impressive mustache.
  3. Wilford Perry Store, Interior, shows that in 1900, you could buy your groceries from a man with a mustache. This is from the Provo City Public Library.
  4. A love of mustaches stretches across all cultures and peoples. Here is an international mustache from a portrait of General Joseph Joffre, with the caption “Frenchman with mustache.” From the Delta City Library Frank Beckwith Collection.
  5. Mustaches also endure during multiple time periods. Here is a photo of Alan Dixon from 1984. From the University of Utah Photograph Archives, Rocky Mountain Power Collection at the University of Utah Marriott Library.
  6. Does a man with a mustache need any other accessories? I think not, but in the 1970s this fraternity member from UNR decided to accessorize with a foil knight’s helmet. This is from the University of Nevada, Reno’s Campus Images collection.
  7. Mustaches are prominent among barbershop quartets! Witness the mustache on this delightful western painting from Lon Megargee, held at the Arizona Capitol Museum, part of the Arizona Memory Project. 
  8. Barbershop quartet mustache traditions endure into more modern times, as seen in this photo captioned “The Winners” from Westminster college. From the Westminster College Photo Collection. Those mustaches look very 1970s to me. Undoubtedly they are “the Winners” due to their mustaches AND snazzy hats.
  9.  What are your feelings about fake mustaches? Examine this photo from the University of Utah J. Willard Marriott Library’s Special Collections Multimedia Archives,
  10. Finally, there is no better mustache than the one worn by Groucho Marx. Is this the platonic ideal of mustaches? Please enjoy these excellent photos of the Marx Brothers lounging on a Ford, from the Utah State Historical Society’s Clifford Bray Collection.  
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