
Arrrrrrr! Pirates in the Mountain West Digital Library!

The Mountain West Digital Library might be made of digital collections from land lubbers, but we still have some Pirate themed items to celebrate that most solemn occasion.Ahoy! It is the Pirates Baseball Team from Vernal, Utah!Pirates Baseball Team from the Vernal Express Photograph CollectionWhen...

Creative Commons at MWDL

Last month Jane Park from Creative Commons did a webinar for our network about Creative Commons tools and resources for librarians. Creative Commons licenses are tools that maximize digital sharing and innovation while mitigating risk for institutions and users of content alike.Access to such tools is...

Historical Image Sets on Flickr

It seems like every other month, someone releases a large set of images into the public domain! These efforts often get great publicity and word of mouth, and it is interesting to see the activity that springs up around these collections.Here is a recent Washington...

A Library of Digital Training

One of the benefits of webinars is the ability to record them and view them at a later date. The Mountain West Digital Library has been recording and archiving webinars for over a year and now has 25 different videos available in our training library.If...

Is your library a Thing?

Check out this open access article:Demonstrating Library Value at Network Scale: Leveraging the Semantic Web With New Knowledge Work by Kenning Arlitsch, Patrick O'Brien, Jason A. Clark, Scott W. H. Young & Doralyn Rossmann for an interesting overview of what the Library can provide a...

Two new collections from the Utah State Historical Society

The Mountain West Digital Library recently added two great collections from the Utah State Historical Society.The KUED Topaz Relocation Center Residents Collection contains images of Japanese Americans in the Topaz Internment Camp in Delta, Utah.Topaz School ChildrenThis collection joins many other digital collections the Mountain West Digital...

Sharks in MWDL

It is Shark Week! What can we find in MWDL about sharks?Here is a photo of a Man standing with dead shark from Brigham Young University's incredible Edward K. Bryant Photo Collection.Man standing with dead sharkHere is a photo from University of Nevada Reno Special...

Nice librarians featured on the Evil Librarian podcast

The staff of the Mountain West Digital Library were guests today on Dustin Fife's Evil Librarian podcast. For those of you know don't know Dustin Fife, he is our Utah Library Association President Elect, the Director of the San Juan County Library System, and a...

2014 Quarter 2 Usage Analysis Report

Over here at the Mountain West Digital Library, we have been crunching the numbers and have gathered the most interesting statistics together in our 2014 Quarter 2 Usage Analysis Report. Looking at this data has really given us some insight to the behavior of our visitors....

Celebrating Batman Day with Bat-themed items from MWDL

It is Batman Day today! Batman may be 75 years old but he can take out criminals with a car battery better than any other superhero. Let's celebrate this wonderful occasion by checking out some Bat-items from MWDL collections.We might not have any pictures of...