
Training Opportunity: Making Sense of Data Free Online Class

One thing that came across my twitter feed today that I thought was interesting was this online course, Making Sense of Data offered through Google. According to the course description, the class will cover:Learn about the basics of data, including the structure and organization of...

In praise of Trello

As the outreach librarian for MWDL, I am a notorious list-maker. Not only does it help me keep track of my many tasks related to the Mountain West Digital Library but there is something so psychologically satisfying about crossing things off a list as proof...

Twitter! What is it Good for!?

Even though twitter has been around what seems like forever in Internet time, I sometimes find myself explaining why it is useful to non-twitter users. I have a couple twitter accounts that I use for different reasons.A personal twitter account (see if you can use...

New online tutorial “How to search MWDL and DPLA”

We like to think that the Mountain West Digital Library is pretty user-friendly. Our portal can't read your mind like Google does, but all that lovely structured metadata allows users to search on exactly the information they are looking for like author, date, subject, location,...

WebWise in Baltimore

Last week we were able to go to Webwise 2014 in Baltimore, Maryland. The conference is put on by the Institute for Museum and Library Services, and is a great way to learn about innovative digital library ideas and programming. This was my first time...

More hosting hubs, more partners, larger service area

Who exactly is the Mountain West Digital Library? Well, as we grow, it keeps changing! And, as we grow, our notions of participation, governance, and funding are evolving too. Now that we are sharing 560 collections from 130 partners, hosted on 17 repositories located in...

Happy Valentine’s Day from MWDL!

Enjoy this lovey photo of two Guinea pigs hanging out near a Valentine from Delta City Library's Frank Beckwith Collection. ...

Top Ten MWDL Mustaches

Photograph of Howard Hughes with a drawn-in mustache, October 11, 1956. - I'm not sure why someone would want to draw extra mustaches on Howard Hughes, but here is evidence of someone doing just that. Perhaps they wanted to make this photo more consistent with...

Top five MWDL Facebook posts of 2013!

Once a year, MWDL puts together its usage report from the previous year's statistics. I was curious to see how our social media sites are performing and to find out what content our faithful MWDL fans want to see on our Facebook page. I found...