
The Freedom to Fail

"Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be." - John WoodenLast Friday, I went to the ULA fall workshop at Utah State University and had the pleasure of hearing Salt Lake Public Library's new executive director John Spears talk about...

Adding New Collections to the Mountain West DIgital Library

One of the first things I focused on after starting work as Digital Metadata Librarian for the Mountain West Digital Library was learning how to add new collections! The MWDL actually has a backlog of new collections to add, so I don't need to worry...

The MWDL Outreach Librarian, coming soon to a town near you.

For those of you who don't know, there is a new Outreach Librarian at the Mountain West Digital Library, and it's me! After three weeks of training and strategizing within the safe confines of my office, last week I ventured out to my first outreach...

CONTENTdm 6.5 Viewers Tip

I've been noticing a few issues with the visual display of items after a recent upgrade to version 6.5. If you are having difficulties resizing the viewing window or printing a document, try hitting the shift key and the refresh button at the top of...

New LibGuide for searching the Mountain West Digital Library

To help your patrons with more powerful searching for multimedia resources about the Mountain West, point them to our new online Library Guide at http://campusguides.lib.utah.edu/mwdl.  This was created by MWDL’s Web portal assistant, Nick Hayen, who is also a graduate student in Middle Eastern History...

A new listserve for MWDL partners

To foster more communication among the collection partners of the Mountain West Digital Library, we are launching a new listserve today.  This listserve, MWDL-News, will include announcements about new services and new functionality on our search portal at https://mwdl.org, as well as helpful information about...

Visit from Dan Harbeke of Union Pacific Foundation

Thanks to the generosity of the Union Pacific Foundation, the Mountain West Digital Library has been able to engage an intern, Nick Hayen, for the 2011-2012 academic year.  Nick has caught on quickly about how MWDL operates, and he is working on several projects to...