
Black History Month

February is Black History Month and to help celebrate we're going to throw a spotlight on some MWDL collections that highlight some important people, events, and experiences of Black communities in the Mountain West region. Celebrate with us by perusing the collections below! African American...

MWDL’s Year in Review!

What a year it's been! We started the year off big in January by welcoming Teresa K. Hebron as our fantastic new Metadata Librarian. Over the next several months we bade farewell to Avalon Snell and Jon Wiggins, and said hello to Arash Tadjiki...

Giving Thanks to Veterans at Thanksgiving!

We’re now wading deep into the holiday season! In light of Veteran's Day last week and with Thanksgiving fast approaching, we think it's the perfect time to show thanks. So, as a thank you to both our readers and veterans, we're giving you something to...

The Mountain West in Pop Culture

From the wild west to giant airplanes and the Las Vegas strip, Mountain West has it all. This week we want to point out which collections to peruse if you're looking for wild stories, movies, monsters and more.Here's a highlight of some of the most...

Where in the world is MWDL (being used)?

Have you ever wondered where MWDL users are? We naturally think of our own local user communities comprising students, researchers, genealogists, and the general public, but were you curious where else MWDL users might be located? Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) recently launched a new...

Back-to-school News Roundup!

Arash Tadjiki -- Our new Web Developer.Arash, thinking about web development.We're excited to welcome Arash to the Mountain West team and back to the Marriott library. Arash worked at the Marriott Library in one of the computer support groups during his undergrad in CS. He...

Summer in Central Asia

Hi, I’m the Metadata Assistant here at Mountain West. I returned last week from a long hiatus from work during which I partook in an intensive Russian language program in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan as an awardee of the Foreign Language and Area Studies scholarship (FLAS)...

July News Round-up

With July coming rapidly to a close, we have lots of milestones and events to celebrate in the MWDL community! July is National Ice Cream Month, so grab a cone and cool off with this news update.MWDL Summer ConferenceJ. Willard Marriott Library at University of...

MWDL Summer 2018 Conference!

The Mountain West Digital Library (MWDL) is excited to host their Summer 2018 Conference! Registration deadline for the Conference is Friday, June 27th! The conference consists of the All Hubs Meeting (for Hub Members only, on 7/10), and the Digitization Community Day...

May News Round-up

How is it already almost June? Rolling stones gather no moss, and MWDL is rolling right along! Here are a few noteworthy items. Save the Date: MWDL Annual MeetingThe MWDL Annual Hubs and Member meeting will be taking place at J. Willard Marriott Library...