
New Collections in MWDL for November and early December!

Here is a quick summary of the great new collections that we've been adding to the MWDL over the past few weeks!From Salt Lake Community College, we have the Salt Lake Community College Audiovisual Archives and the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art Collection.SLCC: The Bottom...

UVU’s Pioneers in Your Attic Collection

Last fall, many of the people in the MWDL network participated in the Pioneers in Your Attic project. The premise of the project was to have representatives from different digital libraries take their scanners on the road and encourage people to bring their family histories out...

Congratulations to University of Nevada Reno on their Digital Collections Redesign!

Digital Collections at MWDL Partner University of Nevada Reno have a new site! Check out the new portal and explore their great digital resources.I was interested to see some of the new ways UNR is encouraging users to interact with their digital collections.You can help...

MWDL Collections Word Cloud with Voyant Cirrus tool

I'm thinking a bit about the subject coverage across MWDL collections, and the patterns that emerge when we get collections on the same topics across the different states that MWDL serves. I'm just starting to explore the idea of doing some work with visualization tools,...

Treats from the University of Idaho Digital Library

This Halloween MWDL is bringing you treats in the form of three newly added collections from the University of Idaho Digital Library. The three new collections are:The Lewiston Orchards Life Newsletter - This newsletter from the 1900s provides a window into the lives of a unique...

MWDL Primo Outage November 1st and 2nd

There is a service upgrade to Primo happening over the weekend of November 1st and 2nd, which will result in the MWDL search being taken offline temporarily. The outage will start at approximately 9:00 pm on Saturday November 1st, and may last as long as...

MWDL Ingestion Update

Things have been busy here on the metadata side of MWDL! We recently hit a nice milestone and are now harvesting 701 collections!MWDL got a big numbers bump when we added over 14,000 items in the Montana State Publications collection. We are also actively working...

Clowns in the Mountain West Digital Library

Clowns! Does the idea of clowns fill you with happy thoughts of your childhood visit to the circus, or do you have Coulrophobia or the fear of clowns? Are the clowns in the MWDL happy or terrifying? Let's find out!It will be no surprise that the...

Leveraging Wikipedia as a Digital Library

There was a time not too long ago when librarians would snarl and hiss at the mention of Wikipedia. Thankfully, that time has passed. Wikipedia has gained credibility over the years and is now credited as a realistic and reliable place to begin your research and...

Cool New DPLA Apps

I'm always interested to see new items pop up on DPLA's App Library. Here are some new apps that deal with data visualization in interesting ways:DPLA Frequency Map - you can use this to see how the frequency of terms varies from state to state. It...