
Updated MWDL LibGuide

We have recently made several prominent changes to the MWDL LibGuide.  Some of the best new features include an updated documents section, additional helpful information on searching in MWDL, an FAQ page, and links to our blog and social media sites.  In addition, the guide...

MWDL Ingestion To Do List

I often say that I never have to worry about being busy with my job as Digital Metadata Librarian for the Mountain West Digital library, because in addition to the work being rewarding and interesting,  I am also working my way through quite a long...

Winter Webinar Series Off to a Strong Start

Last Tuesday, MWDL hosted the first in a nine-part Winter Webinar Series, and it's safe to say that we are off to a strong start! Twenty-one people logged in to hear about "Partnering with the Mountain West Digital Library." We had participants from the East...

Creative Libraries Utah Podcast on the Mountain West Digital Library

The Creative Libraries Utah Podcast visited the Mountain West Digital Library today! You can hear Sandra McIntyre, Rebekah Cummings, and Anna Neatrour chat with Dustin Fife about the Mountain West Digital Library. Listen in to hear about some of our current favorite MWDL collections.Creative Libraries...

Big thank you to our DPLA Community Reps!

Last week MWDL put out a call for DPLA Community Reps and with a single email blast signed up seven new volunteers! It is a testament both to the amazing library community that we have here in the Mountain West and to DPLA that so...

Become a Digital Public Library of America Rep!

The Digital Public Library of America is looking for volunteers to help spread the word about DPLA in their local communities.  If you are enthusiastic about open access, digital collections, and the potential of a national digital library, get involved in outreach for the...

Highlighting Collections from BYU

My first big project since coming aboard to the Mountain West Digital Library was working on the Arizona Memory Project. It was very gratifying seeing our list of partners from Arizona grow as we added these valuable collections.I never have to worry about being busy...

Consolidating Expertise in MWDL’s Winter Webinar Series

Today, I started the process of recruiting speakers for MWDL's Winter Webinar Series. What is even more astounding than the level of cooperation between all these digital library managers is the level of cumulative talent and expertise spread among them.Want to know about Digital Asset...

DPLA Boosts MWDL Usage

Since the launch of the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) in April, nearly twice as many people on average are visiting the Mountain West Digital Library every day.  We have seen a 114% increase in the number of visits over the same time period...

New Frankenstein Archive Debuts for Halloween

I'm still gathering my thoughts after DPLA fest, but I wanted to share some information today about the new Shelley-Godwin Archive, which I'm sure is going to be a great platform for humanities research.You can read more about the project on the NEH post "Bringing...