
Announcement of Million Dollar Grant at DPLAfest

Hello digital library friends! Anna, Sandra, and I got back on Saturday from the first annual DPLAfest in Boston, and I am bursting with news that affects our regional digital libraries.The one that I will blog about today is the announcement of a new $1,000,000...

Looking forward to Boston

The idea of a national digital library has been in the air for years, a repository where our combined digital cultural treasures can be accessed in one location. Still in the nascent stages, the Digital Public Library of America has taken on this role. This...

The Lennox and Catherine Tierney Photo Collection

Like a good book, a thorough, well-documented, and rich collection of photographs tells a story and transports the viewer to a different world. One such collection is the Lennox and Catherine Tierney Photo Collection from the University of Utah.Lennox Tierney is Professor Emeritus at the...

Glowing praise for linked data

The results are in. Eighteen of our twenty participants have turned in their workshop surveys and these are the comments our workshop - and mostly our amazing presenters, Silvia and Cory - generated: “Well done, UNLV!”“Thank you. It was awesome!”“I was very impressed with the...

What can linked open data do for you?

Today I started analyzing responses from a pre-survey for a Linked Open Data workshop that we are conducting this Wednesday (before you even ask, we're full). The responses to one question "What benefits of linked open data are you aware of?" elicited some great responses,...

CONTENTdm and My Favorites

Here's a quick CONTENTdm tip to start off your week!My Favorites is a useful feature in CONTENTdm, but it sometimes does not work consistently across all browsers and platforms. I have been able to save items to My Favorites in Internet Explorer on a PC...

More Great Collections from Arizona Memory Project now available in MWDL

I have many collections on my to-do do list for MWDL ingestion, but the largest task that I've been working on has been the Arizona Memory Project. I still have a few more collections to add, but we have plenty of great collections available now....

MWDL Workshop filled in one week!

Only a few days after registration opened, the first MWDL Workshop is at maximum capacity. Because this is an all-day, hands-on training session, we only had 20 available seats, which were first offered to MWDL partners. The plan was to open up the registration to...

Improvements on MWDL.org

We've made some improvements on the home page for the Mountain West Digital Library. Things might look a little bit funny if you've visited our site before, but if you click the refresh button in your browser, everything should look fine!We have new content coming...